2018 Fall 40623203 Personal Website

Teaching Video4 << Previous Next >> Onshape Homework1

Onshape Learning Points1

  1. 建立 Onshape 帳號 - 請利用學校 gmail 建立教育版帳號
  2. 3D 環境導航 ( navigate )
  3. 說明基於草圖 ( sketch-based )的建模
  4. 介紹 4 個基本特徵 ( feature s)(擠出 ( extrude ),旋轉 ( revolve ),掃描 ( sweep ),和斷面混成 ( loaf ))
  5. 從 2D 過渡到 3D
  6. 介紹基本草圖
  7. 附錄 A:鍵盤快捷鍵 ( keyboard shotcuts ),滑鼠和觸控平面手勢 ( touchpad gestures ),檢視工具
  8. 附錄 B:導航說明檔,建立帳號,訂閱計劃 ( subscription plans )
  9. 圓柱薄殼 ( cylinder shell ) - 繪圖界面與可視化 / 檢視的介紹
  10. 針對既有草圖的模型 - 接續建立特徵
  11. 現存公用模型 (public models) - 如何搜尋並復製到工作區 ( workspace )

只要逐一閱讀 Onshape 教學文件,  從各單字的英英字典查詢中, 找出用來解釋這些單字的相關單字, 並用心了解各單字的字意與用法, 假以時日, 就能更順暢直接閱讀各種英文資料.

開始學習 Onshape

Onshape 是一套純雲端 MCAD (Mechanical Computer Aided Design) 套件, 可以利用電腦中的瀏覽器, 手機或平板中的 App, 就可以執行 2D/3D 零組件設計繪圖.

有關 Onshape 如何建立零組件, 請參考:


Onshape 是一套雲端應用程式

雲端應用的特性是: 用多少運算資源, 才開啟多少運算資源, 可最佳化且不至超載.

Onshape is like any other large-scale modern cloud application – a collection of servers and services. They can run on machines optimized for their purposes; and the number of instances can be optimized so that they are always busy, but not overloaded, to make efficient use of resources.


Some servers that handle things (such as user authentication and authorization, and finding and listing documents) process lots of requests, but do not do much “real work” themselves. They forward complex requests to other servers. Others know what is “inside” a document, and keep modeling sessions in memory, resulting in long-lasting sessions for modeling with documents.


Onshape 的幾何模擬核心採用 Parasolid

Onshape 採用 D-Cubed 解繪圖過程中的幾何約束條件

Others, the admittedly unimaginatively named “geometry servers,” do all the math – these are optimized for computation power. These servers are the ones that reconstruct geometry from feature lists and FeatureScript, solve for instance positions in assemblies, and compute graphical tessellations. They make use of the venerable geometric modeling kernel Parasolid and constraint solver D-Cubed – both well-tested by many years of use in many CAD systems – which we license from Siemens PLM.

Teaching Video4 << Previous Next >> Onshape Homework1